
Containers and Kubernetes security workshop

Notes for an extensive 2.5 hour workshop

Containers from scratch

Running a rootless container in a few lines of Go code with just linux syscalls

Damn Vulnerable Bank

Vulnerable Banking Application for Android

Detect phishing URLs with Machine Learning

Simple project that trains a model to detect phishing URLs.

Dictionary Attack Cyberoam

Dictionary Attack on NIT Kurukshetra User-Portal (Cyberoam)

Drone UI

UI interface for drone CI/CD

Firefox vuln headers extension

Firefox browser extension which parses the headers of all the requests which are being flowing through your firefox browser to detect for vulnerabilities

Grumpy: Cosign Validator

Runs as validating admission controller to verify integrity of images

Hack Kit

This kit automatically converts your firefox browser into a hacking tool by installing all the primitive hacker plugins

Harbor Enhanced Logging

Improving the security audit logging in Harbor using OpenResty & change of architectural design