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Analyzing code signing certificates

The experimental feature of cosign allows us to use a keyless signing feature.

Let's extract the output certificate for analysis.

Set image

We can follow the steps from this section to set the image. Let's ensure the IMAGE variable is set.

echo $IMAGE


Generate & export certificate

In the keyless signing section, we saw it's possible to sign the artifacts/images by logging into the OIDC providers like google/microsoft/github/etc. Let's save the certificate that's being used by cosign for signing for analysis.

COSIGN_EXPERIMENTAL=1 cosign sign $IMAGE --output-certificate fulcio.crt
ls -lh fulcio.crt


Inspect certificate

We can use the step tool for analyzing the certificates. The json format of the output makes it easier for parsing & we use jless for visualization.

step certificate inspect fulcio.crt --format json | jless


As we can see above, there are lots of helpful information that will allow us to identify the signer & issuer of an artifact.

Extract certificate validity

In the above screenshot, we can also see the certificate's validity. Sigstore is generating a short-lived certificate with only 10 minutes of validity. The artifact is signed with this short-lived certificate & after 10 minutes, the certificate becomes unusable.

step certificate inspect fulcio.crt --format json | jq -r '.validity'


Identify signer information

Analyze the certificate to identify the singer's information.

step certificate inspect fulcio.crt --format json | jq -r '.extensions.subject_alt_name.email_addresses'


Further exploration

The root sigstore signing certificates are usually stored in ~/.sigstore/root directory. Feel free to explore & inspect the files for a deeper understanding.

 ~/.sigstore/root$ tree
├── targets
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├── fulcio.crt.pem
│   ├── fulcio_intermediate_v1.crt.pem
│   ├── fulcio_v1.crt.pem
│   ├──
│   └──
└── tuf.db
    ├── 000004.ldb
    ├── 000033.ldb
    ├── 000092.ldb
    ├── 000123.log
    ├── CURRENT
    ├── CURRENT.bak
    ├── LOCK
    ├── LOG
    └── MANIFEST-000124

Last update: 2022-11-24 05:02:08
Created: 2022-11-19 06:59:59