
Practical DevSecOps - Runtime Security and Observability

Sneak peek into kernel, syscalls, ebpf, kprobes, runtime security, Kubernetes API server bypass, tetragon protection, bypassing protection & more.

AWS Community Day - Ship Securely: Automated security testing for developers

Workshop for developers & DevOps on shipping secure software

DevSecCon - SBOM - The inescapable way of tracking dependencies

The talk will focus on increasing awareness about SBOM, a key buzzword in the wake of cyber-attacks, and discussing its importance, formats, and ways to generate, manage, and monitor SBOMs in different stages of SDLC.

Gitex Kubernetes Community Day - Software Supply Chain Security: No Kill Switch Yet

This talk aims to introduce the seriousness of software supply chain security

Security myths about managed Kubernetes Clusters

This workshop aims to break the security myths about managed Kubernetes clusters & demos a takeover attack on an exposed EKS cluster with default configuration & insecure workloads.

KubeSimplify - Container & Kubernetes Security Workshop

This workshop aims to kick a notch higher by introducing you to the security aspects of the container world.

BlackHat Europe - Damn Vulnerable Bank

An intentional vulnerable android application. Master Android Application Security by analyzing and overcoming advanced vulnerabilities in a real-world-like banking app

NoNameCon - Android Application Hacking with Damn Vulnerable Bank

Hands-on experience with [Damn Vulnerable Bank](

BlackHat USA - A Practical Approach To Breaking & Pwning Kubernetes Clusters

Four Day Training on Breaking & Pwning Kubernetes Clusters

Compromising Organizational Systems Through Chaining Attacks

Detailed analysis of how we chained multiple vulnerabilities that led to complete company compromise of one of our multi-million dollar client